Organic Wonderful Pomegranates

Orteat’s Organic Wonderful Pomegranates

Our pomegranates belong to the Wonderful variety and they are originally from the region of Sicily; they have an intense red color and a sweet and sour taste.

The fruits contain a lot of antioxidant properties and can be consumed either fresh or by squeezing them to get a tasty juice: the taste can be bitter in the beginning but pleasant and aromatic in the end.

The pomegranate is a fruit which is highly appreciated for both its organoleptic characteristics and its beneficial properties. Indeed, it is an extraordinary source of vitamin A and C, antioxidants and mineral salts. Moreover, thanks to its content of fibers, it has a depurative and benevolent effect for the bowel, whereas thanks to the presence of tannins and ellagic acids it acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

The fruit can be used for both fresh consumption and for its juice, as well as for the preparation of jams and syrups. The edible usually red parts of the pomegranate, the arils, are the juiciest ones.

Le proprietà e i valori nutrizionali

Our Wonderful Pomegranates are sustainably grown in the open fields of the Sicilian farm ‘Melograno Siciliano di Federico e Daniele’. 

During the whole cultivation process, in full respect of nature and of its seasons, no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used. The Wonderful variety (a late type of Pomegranate, different from the Akko one), is characterized by a beautiful and intense red color, by a sweet and sour taste and it is very suitable for the preparation of fresh juices, but it can also be eaten in its original form. The harvesting of the fruits takes place between October and December. 

Pomegranates have many beneficial properties and it is not by chance that they have been compared to a long-life elixir! So, let’s discover together the main properties of these amazing fruits:

Rich in vitamins A, B and C

Hipocaloric and dietary (60 kcal per 100 g)

High content of proteins and mineral salts such as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron

I benefici

Pomegranates have always been considered not only as fortune fruit, but also as treasure troves for our body. Long story short, the pomegranate brings wealth and well-being! 

Let’s discover together some benefits: 

Thanks to the presence of fibers, it has diuretic and purifying properties 

It is an powerful antioxidant thanks to the presence of vitamins and minerals 

It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as it contains tannins and ellagic acid 

Conservazione e utilizzo

Use and Storage

In order to eat the pomegranate, you must cut the upper and lower parts of the fruit. Afterwards, you can cut the fruit in 4 parts and separate its seeds. You can also make excellent  and super healthy pomegranate juices by using a normal juicer!

Our pomegranates are not treated either during pre-harvest operations or during post-harvest operations: anti mold and waxes (products that increase the aspect of the fruit as well as its preservation) are therefore not used. If you keep them in a dry and cool environment, they can be perfectly stored for almost a month. In addition to it, you can also store them in the fridge at a temperature of about 6-7 degrees. 

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Organic Wonderful Pomegranates

20,00 €

1 confezione- 4 kg

Organic Wonderful Pomegranates


1 confezione - 4 kg

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